A random, eclectic mix of thoughts, feelings, observations, and experiences – LIFE

Archive for January, 2012


I saw this little gem over at Running Thriver, and it is speaking to my LIFE.

A lot of time, we don’t know who is watching, or listening. We don’t know who we’re inspiring. We don’t know about the spirits we lift in the little things, so I’m sharing this with you. Hoping that you’re watching, you’re spirits are lifted. 🙂 Many thanks to Running Thriver for this image, and her post.

Crying the Parking Lot

I’m a crazy lady. This post comes to you from the driver’s seat of the car I’m using. I’m sitting in the parking lot of a restaurant, crying. Really. You know why?

1. I had some not-so-nice thoughts last night. I realized that I don’t have much support in my life. I was used to it, but then people came along, and I trusted them. Against my better judgment. It was better when I had walls up. I did everything on my own, needed no support, and definitely needed no approval or congratulations. I’m headed back in that direction. This way makes no sense. I do not deal well with disappointment. I refuse to talk to people who will use my words as ammunition. Against ME. I do not need anyone to tell me what I can and can’t do. I don’t need to be belittled or put down. I don’t need negativity in my life. I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m too afraid to make things happen (by the way, all the evidence says the opposite). Or that I will not wake up at the time I say I will. Or that a relationship with me is “trying.” Or that I have too many goals. Or that I’m not smart enough. Or good enough. To hell with everyone and their wretched negativity toward me and my goals. Screw them all. I WILL do whatever I want, whenever I want. However I see fit. And I do NOT see the need to talk about it. It just gives people more to throw in my face. I’m not having it. Not when I know that I am capable of doing what I want. And capable up living in my own little world with 20 foot walls up, all around. Is it the healthiest way to live? Maybe not. But emotional abuse isn’t healthy either. I had enough of it when I was a child, and now, as a grown-ass woman, I will not allow it.

2. I forgot my lunch at home.

3. I ordered lunch at work. Clearly, no one got my email. My lunch was not ordered.

4. Woman at work sent me a ridiculous accusatory email. Shortest version I can tell: I went to her for a cheque (which I emailed her about). She waved me around because she was on a call. I called someone else for permission to pay cash b/c the messenger is in a rush and waiting only on me. (he was doing me a huge favour seeing that he wasn’t supposed to be on the road at all today.) We need to pay for, pickup and deliver something urgent that I only found out about this morning. I’m thinking I solved the problem. She emailed me to “come get the cheque and get things organized.” I reply that I sent cash after getting authorization. Reply: “It would have been nice if you had told me so I wouldn’t write the cheque.” Oh. First of all, the messenger came for the cash right as a scheduled call came through. An overseas call. I was dealing with the call while dealing with him, and he even ended up calling me while I was on the other call. I really couldn’t send an email right then. There is more (expaining why I didn’t/couldn’t), but whatever.)

5. I drove to the restaurant to get what I ordered for my damn self. Of course, they’re all out. I don’t want anything left on the menu. So I walk back to the car. CRYING. My breaking point was a spicy pulled chicken wrap with black beans not being available for my lunch.

This sucks. I LIKE Mondays. *wipes tears* I will be fine. I will find something to have for lunch, and I will be fine. I just really needed to get that out.

I hope your week is off to a great start! 🙂

EDIT: I am now back in my office, after some fresh air. I am currently putting a hurtin’ on a footlong turkey breast sandwich from Subway. I also got a Coke and a chocolate chip cookie. Because I can. And I deserve it. 🙂

Five Question Friday – LATE!

1. Do you swim in the winter?

I live in The Bahamas. We don’t have a real winter, but the water does get a bit cold. I don’t go in the ocean between December and January. By mid-February, it’s fair game.

2. Do you love or hate winter?

LOVE. I mean REAL winter. Not this stupid, breezy, 77 degrees (F) that we get around here. People seriously walk around in those puffy jackets and furry boots in December. It drives me crazy. They look ridiculous. This. is. the. BAHAMAS. Lol.

3. Do you put makeup/actual clothes on when you know you’re going to be home all day with just family?

Ask me if I put on makeup when I’m going out. LOL. It has to be a special occasion or something. So no.

4. How old were you when you had your first alcoholic beverage?

Again, this is The Bahamas. The legal age is 18, but no one cares. I’ve had sips of my dad’s wine since I was about 4. First time I had one all to myself? Ummm… I don’t know. I wasn’t super fascinated by it, or anxious to have alcoholic beverages, so it probably wasn’t until I was about 16.

5. How many ill calls in a 12 month period do you think are acceptable?

Only the number of times one is actually ill (enough to be off from work). However many that is. I usually try to drag myself to work unless there is concern about getting other people sick, or not being able to perform at all. Or dying.


Remember, we’re supposed to post our values and statements of purpose today? Yeah, I’m not gonna be able to do it today. Tomorrow. I DID do a lot of thinking over the weekend, but it put me in a really weird place. I’ll talk about it a little later. For now, I have to get to work!

Sunday Inspiration

Thankful Thursday

It’s Thursdaaaaay! We’re almost there, weekday workers. Sooo close.

I’m suuuper busy today. All week really, but today is just… Time is flying. I’m in fastforward. It’s going, going, going. BUT. I can’t be too busy to be thankful, so here we go!

I’m thankful for:

  • Water. I ignore it as it sits on my desk a lot of the time, but it’s still there for me, whenever I need it.
  • Music. It keeps me going. Whether I’m running, working, or sitting in traffic.
  • Job. It’s pretty fun and exciting. It throws some serious curveballs my way sometimes, but there’s not much I’d rather be doing.
  • Writing opportunity. A contest is closed, but I emailed the editor… They’ll take my submission (snail mail only) along with the fee once it’s postmarked by Feb. 1. Yeah, so I have to bang it out on the weekend. But WOO! YAY! for opportunities!
  • Writing calendar done. It took me a while, but I got all the competitions I’d recorded (that have this year’s dates posted) in my calendar. Now all I have to do is plan for pacing by setting dates for my first drafts to be done, then revision dates, re-reads, etc. WOO! I’m pumped!
  • Wine Dinner! WOO! It’s next weekend. The menu came out today, and I am puuuuumped! SO ready for that amazing meal.
  • My beautiful Babe. The water is always hot for my shower when I get home. I’m greeted by hugs and kisses upon arrival. Dinner is always ready soon after. We always have something to watch. Cuddle time is always in the plan/schedule. *sighs* I am one super fortunate lady.
  • Moments of thankfulness.

If you want to link up this week, check out the host of Thankful Thursday for this month.

Hope your week is rockin’, and you’ve identified some things to be thankful for. If you want, you can share ’em in the comments. 🙂

Things of the Day (and Week)

Funny Quote of the Day: Ok. I have to set this up. I was having a conversation with my mother. We were talking about the insurance agent I’m going to see today. Apparently, she was the insurance agent for my dad as well; I knew she dealt with my brother because he referred me to her. My brother and I are the only two children my mother has by my (our) father. This is what she said, “Alan and his daddy…” The rest of the sentence was last. ALAN and HIS daddy? Who the HELL is my dad?! Ahahahahahahahha. Good thing I look as much like that man as a young woman could possibly look like any man.

Quote to Think About for the Day: You know that I like to set things up, right? Well, I called for my dad. I gave a warm greeting to my godfather’s wife who answered the phone before asking if “my daddy” was there. She said, “Alicia?” Well, yes, it’s me. I confirmed, and she said, “You’re sounding younger and younger every day!” I said, “Well, yes… I try.” Hahahha. Anyway, she probably didn’t mean to be all philosophical or anything, but her response was, “Only one time around, so ya betta do what ya gotta do. Only. One. Time. Around.” -My godfather’s wife.

Song of the Day Week: Technically, this was the song of yesterday. It played on the radio on my way home, and I was JAMMIN’. I’m talking, radio up loud, I’m singing along, and making facial expressions, tossing my head around like I was starring in the music video. Yeah, baby. I am TITANIUM. Please note that the music video that I was in was/is waaayyy better than the official music video for David Guetta’s Titanium which features Sia.

Post of the Day Weekend: Lori is on a journey, and her posts along the way are interesting. Thought-provoking. Last week Thursday, she gave me a lot to think about. It was on my mind on the weekend. I’m getting very close to the answer. I encourage you to think about it. What’s is your personal statement of purpose? Please read Lori’s post over at Slow Happy Runner. It is SO good. It will get you thinking.  I’m going to post my response. I think we should make it a community event. How’d you like to post your response too? We can do it on Monday (Jan. 30) to give us the weekend to think about it. Come onnnn. You know you wanna. Join me in developing a personal purpose statement. It may help. One thing it won’t do is harm.

Awkward Moment of the Week: Yeah, I know the week isn’t over yet, but how can this be topped? I know y’all thought it was cute before, but what about now? Does the silly face make the words more of a joke? Is he jesting? I don’t get it. I think I’ll take a little morning beverage vacation.


Excited about: Wine Dinnerrrrr! I don’t even know what I like more – wine or dinner. But I looove when they’re together. I don’t even have the menu for the 5 course meal yet, but it shall be GREAT. Babe and I went, with our friend Vanessa, to a wine dinner at the same restaurant with the same host in November. I talked about it and shared the menu in this post. The next one will be on February 4. We are all super exciteeeeed!

Do you have quotes from today? Any awkward moments this week? Song that lifted your spirits when you heard it? Read any awesome posts lately? Share it! Share it all!

Wordless Wednesday: This is so ME

One of many very cool drawings by Tim of http://timcoffeyart.wordpress.com/ - Love his use of thoughtful phrases to accompany his drawings

The Never Ending Meme, Part III

Sunday Stealing: The Never Ending Meme, Part One

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Song that always makes you sad?

Great is Thy Faithfulness

2. Last thing you bought?

Lunch. Greek chicken pita with a side salad.

3. Last person you argued with?

No idea. I don’t do much arguing.

4. Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on?

I don’t like peanut butter, but if I did, I wouldn’t put butter on first.

5. One of your stuffed animals’ names as a kid?

Junior. Lol.

6. Did you ever at one time own a Barenaked Ladies CD?

No. But…

*bursts into song* It’s beeeen one week since ya looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said, “I’m angry”

7. Favorite day of the week?

Used to be Sunday… Now, I think it may be Saturday. Or Monday. I like fresh starts. Saturday and Monday are both fresh starts for me.

8. Favorite sundae topping?

HOT freaking FUDGE! What else?!

9. Did you take piano lessons?
Didn’t we all?

I don’t know why the spacing just got all wonky, by the way.

10. Most frequent song played?

Lose It – Austra

11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?

I don’t keep secrets. Lol. A guilty pleasure is Misfits.

12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?

Gotta go with basketball since I know how to work sneakers, but not skates.

13. Date someone older or younger?

Older. Always.

14. One place you could travel right now?

The only place I can afford to travel to is home. LOL. If I could go anywhere, I’d like to hit up Halifaaaaax!

15. Do you use umbrellas?

No. They make no sense. Most of the time, it’s much more effective to just run.

16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?

Why, yes. Yes, I do. And I’m Bahamian. 

17. Favorite cheese?

The cheese that’s still okay to eat. I like it all. Lol. I had feta today, and was like OOOOOMGGGGGGG, YESSSSS!

18. The Smith’s or The Cure?

Sorry, what?

19. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?

Brunettes, I guess.

20. Best job you ever had?

The one I have now. Ride for Hope. WOO!

Quick Weekend Recap

Here’s a quick weekend recap:

  • Friday night – Babe randomly asked me to go to the movie theatre when I got home from work. We lazed around a little, reading books, then we got ready. Off we went to see some movie I don’t remember the name of or anything about. Hahahaha. It wasn’t good. It was just there. It felt like it never really started. Anyway, it was nice to be out of the house and with Babe. And I had nachooooos! WITH peppers.
  • Saturday morning – We went on a fun run walk. The lady working at the frontdesk downstairs in this building attends a very active Catholic church. This was their event to raise money for their Hospitality ministry. Well, I’m all about raising money for good causes and being active. Even though we had to drag ourselves out of bed at 5:15am, we did it. It was a 6 mile walk. I kept up a good pace until the turnaround point. On the way back to the church, I got very reflective. I don’t know if it was the communication between my body and my mind. Maybe it was the ocean that wasn’t far away. Maybe it was being alone with my thoughts (Babe was quite a bit behind me the whole time… But at this point, she passed me). I don’t know. I sort of had a very personal, spiritual moment. I thought about life. My purpose. The things I want to do, how I’m going to go about making things happen… I thought about my grandmother. I remembered things she said to me. I imagined the things she would say to me at that moment. It was a good moment. I slowed down. A lot. To just be in the moment. When the walk was done, we went for breakfast. Babe finished having breakfast way before I did. I ate slowly. I was still in a be-in-the-moment mode. I didn’t want to rush through. I wanted taste every flavour. Just be at peace. It was nice. When I was done, I showered, then read on the couch. Eventually, we both fell asleep.
  • Saturday afternoon – We decided to spend the day hanging out with my cousin Shauntae. She’s pretty great. I like her company. We picked her up from her house, and shortly after, my mother called. She was hungry. We spent forever on the KFC (yuck!) line to get food for her, and dropped it off. We ended up there for a few minutes because she had a bunch of new shoes to give Shauntae since she’s no longer wearing high heels. Annnd I got my yearbooks. She wanted them gone. And some of my third grade school work. Pictures later in the week. We went for lunch, then headed home. Babe read on the computer, I read on the new nook, and Shauntae read (The Hunger Games) on the old nook. She’s liking it, so we’re gonna have to email it to her so she can finish reading it. Then, we sort of kind of played Cranium (which really required 4 players).
  • Sunday – My body spoke to me. I was feeeeling Saturday morning’s walk. I like that feeling. That I did something. And I need to keep it up. We’ll see how it goes this week.

What did you do over the weekend? Did you have any special moments? Any revelations?

“So Beautiful,” Says the Barista

The guy at the coffee shop (in the fancy grocery store near my office) seems to think he remembers me from somewhere. Specifically, Starbucks. Apparently, he used to work at Starbucks. He said something about “Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.” He has “my” schedule down to a science. Anyway, I went with it. What’s the point in popping his ballon? Why give up the little special treatment? He seemed eager to serve me. The drinks he’s been making me have been good. He engages me in pleasant conversation (as much as I can be engaged). I really close myself off to a lot of conversation around here. People are creepy.

He recently started writing on my drink covers. Interesting.

Uhhh... Thanks.