A random, eclectic mix of thoughts, feelings, observations, and experiences – LIFE

Feel Good Tuesday

Happy Tuesdaaaaayyyyy!

I’m a in really good mood today. I have idea why. There is no logical reason. But me?! Worry?! Never!

This song played just as I parked at work this morning, and I sat in the car to sing it loudly. With the windows down. I’m bad like that. I kinda feel like that… Toniii-iii-iiii-iiiight, we are youuu-oooung, so let’s set the world on fiii-yaaah, we can briii-iighter, than the suuu-oh-uuuh-uuun! WOO!

Talk about energy! Of the positive kind. I’m going to get a lot done today. I’m going to work like I have the day off tomorrow. I’m going to make progress with my novel. I’m going to do something physical when I get home (which probably won’t be running, and DANG IT, I forgot to toss running clothes in the car… Got thrown off when I had to switch cars with my mom this morning so she could take the one I’ve been driving to be licensed.)… Jump on the trampoline, jog on it a little, jump rope… Something. ‘Cause guess what! Toniii-iii-iii-iiight, weee are yooouuung! Hahaha.

Ok. So play that song. Feel the energy. Get yourself in an awesome mood. Make 3 goals for yourself today. And GO AT THEM like the man who stole your grandmother’s wallet on the bus. CONQUER them. Because you can.

I have two meetings today. Maybe three. Lots of opportunity for people to say and do things that could bring me down. IFFF I allow it. And I won’t. I just decided, so it’s a done deal. I will be happy. I will be positive. I will use all energy, whether positive or negative, for good. I will do my best. I will be satisfied. I will enjoy and live in every moment of this day.

When I checked my email this morning, I saw a great post. I read it, and it resonated with me. Being the awesome person that I am, I’m sharing it with you. Be sure to take a few minutes to read The Magnificent Self-Made Person over at CreatingReciprocity.

Two quotes for you today. One from the post linked above:

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.   -Khalil Gibran

And one that I just love:

Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.   – Karen Ravn

Go forth, then, blog buddies, and be great. Be great instead of, in spite of, and because of.

Let me know how you’re feeling today. What are your goals for today?

Comments on: "Feel Good Tuesday" (8)

  1. Love this post! Enjoy the day!!!

  2. Quote of the Day (two late later): ” Make 3 goals for yourself today. And GO AT THEM like the man who stole your grandmother’s wallet on the bus.”

    THAT resonates with me. *Attacks these goals like a bat outta hell*

  3. great post and great song!!! My goals for today are to get all my work done and clean my room so I can relax and enjoy a good weekend !

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