A random, eclectic mix of thoughts, feelings, observations, and experiences – LIFE

Thankful Thursday

What a crazy few weeks this has been. I’m not liking December at all. Is it surprising that I’m thankful that we’re almost at the end of it? There are a few other things I’m thankful for, and thank goodness for that because it’s Thankful Thursday! *shakes pompoms*

Today, I’m thankful for:

  • Good music
  • Half-decent health. My iron is definitely dropping. I’m ridiculously tired, no matter how many hours of sleep I get. I really don’t wanna spend the big bucks on Floradix (which seems to be the only thing that ever really works), but at least I sort of have it to spend it. Maybe I wanted to spend it on something else, but I’m thankful that I have it.
  • Safety. It’s a crazy time of year, and horrible things are happening. I’m glad that I haven’t fallen victim to any crimes. I should note, however, that there was an attempted break-in at our place last week. The bastards got into the neighbour’s place, but had no success getting in our apartment. This happened while we were at work, between 9am and 5pm. Daylight! Crazy, right?
  • Water. I’m getting back into drinking it. It’s slow, but it’s happening.
  • Running. Something I don’t need much to do. Just my Vibrams. (Holy CRAP! I wanted to get a new pair for myself for Christmas. Oh, well.) And 15-20 minutes (at the moment). Time has been really hard to come by, but things seem to be leveling out a bit.
  • My mother is WALKING! With nooo assistance! *dances*
  • Maternal grandmother. She’s the sweetest lady. Always smiling. Always with kind words. When she sees me, I usually get something similar to, “Oh, look at my favourite girl! Oh, she’s so beautiful! Isn’t she so precious? Oh, bllless her dear heart! I think you got even prettier than the last time I saw you. You got prettier?” She’s so funny. I usually stand there smiling at her, and manage to say something like, “You think so? I’m trying!” Hahahaha. Whenever I ask her how she’s doing, she says, “Oh, much better now that I see (or hear from) you!” Too sweet. She hasn’t been feeling so well lately. I’m glad she’s at home now. She was very adamant about going to her house. Hospitals are no fun. Her health isn’t great, and there’s no telling what will happen, or how soon. (I’m not being specific about this because it’s sort of touchy and people are trying to be hush-hush about it so no pity party starts, and no one goes around her crying or anything like that.) This makes me really sad. Anyway, I’m trying to be happy about knowing her, and that she’s so awesome, and that I can drop by whenever and see her.
  • Christmas is almost here. No, I’m not excited about the day itself. I’m anxious for it to be OVER and DONE WITH. Come onnn, December 26!
  • Fruit. Love, love, love it! MUST remember to get some kiwi and gala apples on the way home. We’re all out!
  • Saturday date night. Babe and I decided to have a nice, quiet evening at home on Saturday. I’ll cook us some steaks with potatoes (maybe twice-baked?), asparagus, and something else… Carrots? Me loooves carrots! I’ll try my hand at a little bread pudding for dessert. Babe likes eggnog, so I’ll see how I can incorporate that. We’ll find a nice movie or two to watch as well. Yes, we’ll be bringing in Christmas morning in style. Hahaha.

What are you thankful for this week? Are you looking forward to Christmas, or waiting for it to be over? Who is the precious gem in your family?

Comments on: "Thankful Thursday" (10)

  1. I love reading your Thankful Thursday posts. They are always uplifting.

    I think you should do carrots. That sounds so good! Your grandmother sounds do sweet.

    I’m with you, December 26th can’t get here soon enough.

    • Thanks, Laci! 🙂 Somehow, it makes me feel better to do it, even if I don’t really feel like it.

      Good! Backing on the carrots. I’m gonna do it!

      We’ll have a party that knows no city boundaries to celebrate December 26. I’ll be downtown in Nassau, at Junkanoo (if I ever go buy the tickets).

  2. Your Grammy sounds like a real hoot! She’s nice from the one time I met her before, but I can only imagine her other attributes you so adequately portray!

    Yayyyy @ more consistent water consumption… I’m failing in that department at the moment, but will rectify it shortly.


  3. You sound like you are doing well but I’m the lone naysayer. I LOVE CHRISTMAS and everything that comes with it except Black Friday…. Have a great, fabulous, fantastic DECEMBER 26th 🙂

  4. “My mother is WALKING! With nooo assistance!” – I’m glad.

  5. Really liked this.

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