A random, eclectic mix of thoughts, feelings, observations, and experiences – LIFE

Thankful Thursday!

It’s a busy day for me, y’all. I have lots to do. Including writing. I have 3 articles to write for work before the end of the day, and (of course) my own project. Did I tell y’all that in addition to short stories, I’m writing a novel? I may share more info later, but I may keep it offline for a while longer. I think I need it to take more shape first. Alright, so let’s start this Thankful Thursday party! WOO!

I’m thankful for:

  • Amazing dinners that I go home to. Babe gets down in the kitchen pretty much every night so that I don’t have to get home after a long day at work to cook for us. And no complaints either. The other night, we had a great dish of beef strips, mashed potato, asparagus and carrots. It was sooo good. Last night, we had chicken fettucine. WITH mushrooms. Looooove!
  • A great weekend. See Weekend Recap for details.
  • Getting back into running. I haven’t gone all week because it’s been ridiculously busy and I’ve been super tired, but I’m back on it tomorrow.
  • Nail appointment today. I really don’t like having them done, but they’re sooo pretty after. 🙂
  • Improvement in water consumption
  • Music. Especially by Nerina Pallot, Scala, Sarah Blasko, and Austra at the moment.
  • Special treats. Like chocolate cake, ice cream, warm hugs, and sweet kisses.
  • My dad. Today is his birthday. I can really say that my dad loves me, wants the best for me, and does everything in his power to make sure that I am comfortable, healthy, and well taken care of. I can honestly say that my dad has played a huge part in my life from the very beginning. He made sure my school fees were paid, my clothes were paid, I never went hungry, I took vitamins, I went to the doctor when necessary, and I was never alone or without support. He made decisions that I did not like, but I was never tossed in the backseat. Even as an adult, he is almost always the first person I call when there is trouble or uncertainty. My parents aren’t even together, and I know that he is one of the first people my mother calls for help. And he always answers. Everyone can’t say that. I can. How awesome is that?!
  • Having enough. Not too much, or too little. I have enough.

Hope you’re feeling thankful today. If not, I encourage you to get in the spirit! If you’re reading this post, that means you can:

  • Read
  • Get internet access
  • Be thankful too

So get on it. Let me know what you’re thankful for today. 🙂

On another note, I’m on a hunt. I want a new writing device. I would use it exclusively for my novel (and possible short story) writing. I don’t want another laptop. Or a desktop (Blech!). I’ll settle for a netbook if I have too, but something like the Neo2 or Dana (overpriced, in my opinion) would be cool. They just seem like old models. No updates in a while. Do you know of any other products like them? I can’t seem to find anything else. Not knowing what exactly to search for is probably a part of the problem. “Neo2 competitor”? “Writing device”? “Writers favourite gadgets”? I really don’t know. Nothing is working. HELP! Please let me know of anything you have used, heard of, stumbled upon, or magically found by searching on my behalf 🙂 Many thanks for your efforts!

Comments on: "Thankful Thursday!" (11)

  1. Happy Bday to Dad!

  2. I would like a new writing device too. I bought a tablet, but typing anything for that a few words, is a drag.

    I am thankful for:

    Getting my daughter on the bus this morning. I woke up @ 6:50 and left the house @ 7:01. We made it @ the last minute. I couldn’t believe myself. And, she didn’t look a mess. Thank god for uniforms and hair already combed.

    Getting to work @ 8:20, when I am supposed to be here @ 8:00. I had to go home and get myself ready after that mad dash. I still beat my boss. YaY!

    I am thankful for life!

    • I don’t like the idea of tablets. I say “the idea” b/c I never owned one. I just really don’t like on-screen keyboards. And I’m not very fond of touchscreens.

      I hate rushing. It puts me in an off mood. But oh, mannn, the feeling when you’re racing the clock, and you BEAT IT. What a russshhh!

  3. Hope your dad has a Birthday filled with sweet blessings.

  4. I never cease to be impressed and inspired by you. Good luck with your novel girl. 🙂

  5. What a sweet post. And happy birthday to your Dad!


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